
Medical University of Vienna
1090 - Vienna


Create folder and upload image
Click on “Create Folder” create folder create fodler create fodler Upload image after creation upload upload Upload processing (job needs to be started to upload images)
docker compose exec php php artisan queue:listen --queue=dzi --timeout=600 upload View uploaded File upload
Add annotations (Text/Audio/Svg)
upload Audio upload Text
Scroll to wanted location - click on “copy span” extracts the specific location and copies it to the inpu upload Click on "Example" zooms to stored location upload Svg upload Comment upload RIO (region of interest)
onclick on row - zoom to region of intereset upload
If admin user/share permission ticked while creating Folder -> from view file -> share -> add session link upload Send link to other users
Second user: open link -> login to dermonaut -> sees session
Left: admin user - can change images in folder Right: user who connected through link - follows the images and zoom of admin user upload